Monday, October 26, 2009

Back to our regularly scheduled programming


Yes, it has been 5ish months since my last post. Yeesh. Ow. Ouch. Oof. (sound of me beating up myself for not following through on the bijillionth thing).

My lovely partner challenged me to challenge myself to do something challenging each day. (This is today's challenge). Boy, sure are a lot of challenges, aren't there?.

Plus, my fabulous friend complimented me so highly on my writing and my blog that how could I not get back on the net?

My other challenging thing today? I have decided to quit caffeinated coffee. This be day one. So far, so good. I am on Earl Grey tea. I have had two cups and it is now afternoon. I am feeling no side/ill effects. Can't be this easy... I am also quitting my afternoon bottle of Coca Cola. Sigh.

I was talking to a friend on the weekend and she was telling me how good she felt after doing a really hard work out. She hadn't worked out in years and seemed very surprised at how awesome exercise really was. May have to take it up myself!

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