Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Ah, we have entered the era of full day schooling in our household. One kid goes to one school and the other to another where she gets specialized support. It really is amazing to see the difference between the two environments. Granted one school program is in a clinical setting with physiotherapists, etc. The other school is a regular ole public one.

(Soap box time now)

No matter what kind of environment though, I find the teaching approaches to be amazingly different and it has nothing to do with being special needs or not. It is all about the individual teacher. Like any of us who work, you can immediately tell those who like and are well-suited to their jobs. It seems to me that if you are in charge of young minds (mind you this could apply to parents, too!!) you really need a certain attitude to engage and enthrall them.

I am sad to say that boy child has been labelled a problem by his teacher and little is done to support his special needs in the classroom (impulsivity, lack of focus, etc.). Granted he is a handful but it's the teacher's job from my perspective to be inclusionary of all of the kids in the class and not send those who probably need the most attention off to the principal's office. The goal here teachers - is to teach the kids, be a positive role model, and use your "twenty-five years of experience" to some good. Being open to new ideas and approaches would also be helpful. My kid deserves it as much as the other students in his class.

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